COVID 19 - Information updates and advise as provided by DVLA / DSA to Instructors on current situation following Govt guidelines re Theory and Practical tests re dates they are operating and any guidelines to be followed. Please also check GOV.UK Website for latest / up to date info

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29th May 2020

All theory tests rescheduled on Monday 1 June

All theory tests on Monday 1 June have been rescheduled due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Tests in Scotland and Wales will be rescheduled up to and including 21 June 2020, this is in line with government guidelines in the respective countries.

We are preparing test centres for a safe return to testing for all candidates. Social distancing measures are being put in place. 

We will update you with a start date for England as soon as we are able.

What DVSA are doing

We are emailing anyone with a test booked up to and including 21 June in Scotland and Wales to let them know it has been rescheduled. 

We are emailing candidates in England with a test booked on the 1 June to let them know it has been rescheduled.

If you've booked a test for your pupils

If you have booked a test for any of your pupils during these dates, you will need to contact them to let them know that their test has been rescheduled.

You can do this on GOV.UK. You will need your driving licence number to do this. You’ll get another email from Pearson Vue. You do not need to pay again to do this.

Emergency theory tests

An emergency theory testing service will still be available to those who have a critical need to take a test, such as NHS and social care workers.

Please do not call our customer service centre as they will not be able to help. Stay up to date on the latest information on GOV.UK.

We will be monitoring the situation and we will let you know if we need to cancel any more tests.

Driving lessons

Driver, rider and vocational trainers should continue to limit instruction to key workers preparing for an essential test.

We provided the industry with advice on this in April and will provide further information about broader training as soon as we can.


27th May 2020

COVID-19 update: theory test centre locations for critical workers

To help critical workers get an emergency theory test at a location that is more suitable to them, we will be opening an additional 25 theory test centres across the UK.

When applying for an emergency theory test online, candidates will be asked to select their 'preferred' test centre. Their theory test will then be booked at the nearest available centre if their preferred location is not available.

Available theory test centre locations

Critical workers will now be able to take a theory test at:















Mile End A













The new locations have been chosen based on critical worker test demand. 

Next steps

Theory tests for anyone who is not a key worker have been cancelled up to and including 30 May 2020. We’re keeping the situation under constant review, in line with government guidance, and will provide further information on testing as soon as we can.


6th May 2020

Theory tests cancelled up to and including 30 May 2020

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, all theory tests have been cancelled up to and including 30 May 2020.

What DVSA are doing

We are emailing anyone with a test booked up to 30 May 2020 to let them know it has been cancelled and that they will be automatically refunded. It can take up to 10 working days for the refund to show back in the account it was paid from.

If you've booked a test for your pupils

If you have booked a test for any of your pupils during these dates, you will need to contact them to let them know that their test has been cancelled.

Emergency theory tests

An emergency theory testing service will still be available to those who have a critical need to take a test, such as NHS and front line workers.

Please do not call our customer service centre as they will not be able to help. Stay up to date on the latest information on GOV.UK.

We will be monitoring the situation and we will let you know if we need to cancel any more tests.


30th April 2020

Temporary changes to the car and vocational driving test

From tomorrow (1 May 2020) DVSA is making a temporary change to car and vocational emergency driving tests, to help reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

What will change

Our examiners will end emergency tests early if a candidates commits:

  • a serious or dangerous fault
  • a total of 16 driver faults

This is to help reduce the amount of time the candidate and examiner spend in the vehicle, when the candidate has failed their test.

In these circumstances, the examiner will instruct the candidate to drive back to the test centre instead of continuing for the full time, before they tell the candidate they have failed.

Motorcycle module 2 tests will not be affected by this change.

Updated standard operating procedure

We've updated our emergency driving test standard operating procedure to include these changes.

Download coronavirus (COVID-19): conducting driving tests for key workers standard operating procedure (77.1KB)


25th April 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: standard operating procedure for testing

On Wednesday (22 April 2020) we sent all driving instructors, motorcycle trainers and vocational trainers a letter from DVSA's Chief Executive Gareth Llewellyn. 

These letters explained what we're doing to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, and advise you to look at what support the government has put in place for you.

Sharing our standard operating procedure

As part of the letters, we let you know we would be sharing our standard operating procedure for carrying out emergency tests with you and the industry. 

We hope this guidance will help you, if you choose to carry out training for pupils whose work is critical to the coronavirus response.

Download DVSA standard operating procedure for conducting driving tests for key workers (PDF, 96.5KB)


24th April 2020

Changes to the emergency driving and theory testing application process

From today (Friday 24 April), we have launched a new service to help make it quicker and easier for key workers to apply for an emergency driving test or an emergency theory test.

How the new service will work

Key workers will no longer need to email to request an emergency test. Instead, they will need to submit an application on GOV.UK.

They will be asked to supply their ID at the start of the application, so we have all the information we need to confirm if they’re eligible for an emergency test. 

We will email those who meet the criteria, with a new test date and time at their nearest available test centre. This will be based on the information they provide when submitting their application.

If your pupils have already applied for an emergency test

If your pupil is a key worker and has already requested an emergency test by emailing us, we will email them directly and explain that to continue their application they will need to complete the online form. These applications will be prioritised over new applications.

If your pupil requested an emergency test and were declined because they were not an NHS or social care worker, they should reapply using the new service. They will be put on a waiting list and contacted once all NHS and social care key workers have been given a test.

We’re aware some of your pupils have had to wait longer than anticipated for a test. This is due to the very high volume of requests we received. We’re working hard to provide an emergency testing service and appreciate your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.

Removing the old email address

If you have published the old email address for a driving test or theory test on your Facebook page or website, please make sure it is updated to show the new process for applying for emergency tests.


22nd April 2020

Driving tests 

As you know, we have suspended driving tests to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.We are continuing to provide emergency tests for those whose work is critical to the coronavirus response.The details of how to apply for these have been published at will continue to prioritise these and match them against 400 volunteer driving examiners across Great Britain.Not all driving examiners are able to provide this service because those particularly vulnerable from coronavirus need to stay at home. However, those staying at home are helping to process requests for emergency tests.

Providing driving lessons for people whose work is critical to the coronavirus responseI’m aware that some of the people whose work is critical to the coronavirus response will need to finish their driving lessons and be able to use a vehicle for their test. I’m very grateful to those of you who are able to continue providing lessons for those who need them.In line with our plans to only provide tests for candidates who have an essential need, when taking lessons, we recommend that you ask candidates to bring appropriate ID with them demonstrating the need for them to take lessons – for example, an ID badge, payslip or letter from their employer.We have shared details of the personal protective arrangements we’re putting in place for driving examiners with the driving instructors’ National Associations Strategy Partnership (NASP).This partnership brings together the ADINJC, DIA and MSA GB associations. You may wish to consider similar arrangements if you’re providing lessons for those who need it.

Stay at home, protect the NHS, save livesThe single most important action we can all take in fighting coronavirus is to follow government guidance and stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.I do not underestimate the challenges this brings for you and your pupils.When the government relaxes its social-distancing measures, we will make sure we help you understand how this will affect DVSA’s services, your ability to return to work, and what it means for your pupils.You can sign up to get email alerts from us at


The priority for us now is to save lives in a different way than we usually do. But when things get back to normal, we will get back to our vital work of helping everyone stay safe on Britain’s roads.Thank you for your patience and understanding.I hope that you, your family and your friends stay safe.

Yours sincerely, Gareth Llewellyn Chief ExecutiveDriver and Vehicle Standards Agency

21st April 2020

Update: changes to the car theory test

The changes to the theory test will no longer be introduced in April 2020. This is because of the coronavirus outbreak, which means that most theory tests are suspended for now. 

We will make these changes to the theory test as soon as possible, as we recognise the benefits that they will bring.

You can check for updates on this change on GOV.UK.

Practising the new learning materials

To help your pupils prepare for the upcoming theory test changes, we have published the new practice video clips.

It would be great if you could encourage your pupils to use these when practising for their theory test. 



20th April 2020

Theory tests cancelled until 8 May 2020

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, from Monday 20 April 2020, all theory tests have been cancelled until Friday 8 May 2020. 

What DVSA is doing

We are emailing anyone with a test booked during this time to let them know their test has been cancelled and that they will be automatically refunded.

A theory testing service will still be available to those who have a critical need to take a test, such as NHS and front line workers.

Please do not call our customer service centre as they will not be able to help. Stay up to date on the latest information on GOV.UK. 

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2323rd March 2020 
Hi Everyone, it is with great sadness that I have made the decision to SUSPEND all driving lessons UFN with IMMEDIATE effect. We all know why, especially as in recent days all schools, gyms and cafes and pubs etc have closed...The DVLA has cancelled ALL driving tests for 3 months to protect pupils, examiners and hence the wider public/NHS. Some of my colleagues have received abuse and their vehicles damaged because they are continuing as people feel the pressures of this virus.
Not knowing each pupils family circumstances and who they have contact with that may be particularly vulnerable i feel it would be morally wrong to put anyone at risk unnecessarily any longer. 
Being self employed this will hit me hard financially but we are all going to be affected so i feel it's the right thing to do at this time, the more we have contact with other people outside our families, the greater the risk to those we love & care about.
This has been an extremely difficult decision but I know the right one in the circumstances and hope you will agree and support it  I will see you again as soon as it is deemed safe to do so and look forward to continuing our learning to drive journey. I will message when it is felt safe to resume lessons.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions and hopefully i will see you all very soon. Take care & stay safe. Keith T x

20th March 2020

Driving tests suspended for up to 3 months - tests for critical workers to continue and be prioritised

We are suspending driving tests for up to 3 months from Saturday 21 March 2020 as there is extended contact between candidates and examiners in vehicles. Motorcycle tests are also being suspended. 

We have put in place plans to provide tests for people who provide essential services.

This includes:

  • car driving tests
  • motorcycle tests
  • ADI tests
  • lorry, coach and bus driving tests

We will get in touch with everyone with a test booked during this time to let them know their test has been suspended and that we will automatically re-book them.

In addition all theory tests have been cancelled until Monday 20 April 2020 and refunds will be issued.

Out of pocket expenses

If a test has been suspended with less than 3 days’ notice, you and your pupils will be able to claim out-of-pocket expenses.

19th March 2020

Theory tests cancelled for 4 weeks

Due to the unfolding COVID-19 situation, from Friday 20 March 2020, all theory tests have been postponed until Monday 20 April 2020. 

What DVSA is doing 

We are emailing anyone with a test booked during this time to let them know their test has been cancelled and that they will be automatically refunded.

Your pupils should not rebook or rearrange their test at this time. Please do not call our customer service centre as they will not be able to help.

Click link on News page to see latest info re COVID 19 from DSA and general info re lessons and tests.

Where am I ?

Working hours

Monday - Saturday


0800 - 2000hrs


Inc Bank Holidays


Sunday Lessons by Arrangement

One Way Driving School Oxford

East Hanney



OX12 0JW

Mob: 07521 216802

Tel:  -

E-Mail keithtyler61@





See News section for more details

Reduced rates

If you book 9 or 15 hours of lessons with me i'll give you a discount off the normal hourly rate !!


Have you ever wondered what it is like to drive when your drunk Now you can try it safely without the alcohol - see news section for more details. 

New home page online!
Find out about our services and instruction methods.